I haven't been this busy in a long time. It seems like every week is finals week! I haven't been able to catch a break until this week, which is Spring Break. *catches breath* I don't even know where to start because I haven't done a YouTube video in a month or a real post here in weeks.
Well okay, so this week is spring break which is really nice. How am I spending my week off? Well, my friend Jesse from Pennsylvania is coming up to visit for a few days. I'm wicked stoked he's visiting. He's one of my best friends, and I met him in Australia. Jesse and I were in the same study abroad program in Perth, which I've chronicled in my study abroad blog. Besides his visit, it's catch up time for me. Hopefully I can get a head start on the remainder of the semester, which will be nonstop until May 10th or so. Oh boy. Can you tell I'm excited!?
This will be a long post for sure, so please bear with me.
Directed study
In order to plate the cells, I have to count them like I mentioned before. I can then plate a known estimate of cells, and determine what works best. Once I plated the cells and determined how long they took to grow and how few cells I could plate in order to see cultures grow, I needed to transfer them back into liquid culture. This is just like how I grow bacteria on plates and transfer them into liquid culture. But, because the liquid culture for diatoms are much larger than bacteria cultures I use, we need to start the diatoms off in a very small amount, like a few mL. To do this, I took a wire loop and removed a single colony (several hundred cells) and placed it in a 1.5-3.0mL seawater well, on a 6 well plate, which you can see on the middle right in the picture below.
After a few days when I got visible growth, I transferred them into a 5 or 10mL culture, seen in the test tubes. By making larger and larger cultures, we can make sure cells are growing well. If we put our initial cells in a half liter flask, it would take up to a week or two to discern whether we got growth or not. But by growing them in small volumes, we can make sure we're doing okay sooner. (In this picture here you can see my four different diatom culture stages: the plated colonies, bottom left; the test tube 5 and 10mL colonies, top left; the 6 well plate containing 1.5 and 3mL colonies, top right; and the trial transformation plates on the bottom right.)
After break, my professor and I hope to travel down to Rhode Island and transform my diatoms. I can't wait to finally move forward with this project! I'm hoping my post-transformation project will really speed up and I can start collecting data and maybe publish something!
Animal Behavior
A side from reading what I consider to be a lot of papers on different aspects of animal behavior, we're slowly starting to begin our research projects. We have half a semester to collect as much data as possible, write a sophisticated lab report/research paper, and create a lengthy presentation and poster. Something tells me it's going to be an incredible crunch, which is why I'm so eager to get as much studying done as possible this week.
Something I drew on a whiteboard during class... |
To look at this, we'll be feeding pairs stickleback fry limited amounts of bloodworms, and record their competitions. We do this by pipetting bloodworms into a small tank, and videotaping the fish activity. We can then go back and watch their interactions and analyze it.
However, in order to get them to be competitive, we have to make sure they're hungry... so we don't feed them for half a day before testing.
I'm on your blog Dylan! Snatchin' your fishies!
ReplyDeleteActually no, but I did want to say hi and nice job with this. Hopefully we'll get some results soon so you can say something about our fishy friends.