Sunday, March 27, 2011

Size-based competition in threespine stickleback

In the above video, I talk about two things:

1.) Why threespine stickleback are used at Clark to study evolution and adaptive radiation.

2.) The group research project I'm doing for my Animal Behavior class.

In addition to my lab studies at Clark, because I'm still an undergraduate, I have to take "real" classes. I've come to realize that at times I find classes a real burden because they prevent me from doing my lab work, but they'll be over in a few weeks. Animal Behavior for the most part has so far been a seminar-style course, in which student groups select a group of papers to represent specific topics relating to ethology, the study of animal behavior. As a result, I've over 25 peer-reviewed articles so far in the semester. This may not seem like much to some, but it is at the level we have to understand and discuss them.

Animal Behavior, like #2 up there suggests, also has a research component to the class. I mentioned before the research project I'm working on. This project is explained in more detail in the video.

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