Monday, January 24, 2011

LOL let's just like spend the afternoon measuring out reagents and adding them to water. Sounds like MY idea of a great time!

Okay, okay, it wasn't as bad as I'm making it out to be, but measuring out stuff on scales and adding them to tubes and such wasn't how I was planning on spending my afternoon!

Let me actually jump back to the beginning and tell you WHY I was measuring out "stuff" on scales and such. It's come to the point in my project where I need to be growing diatom cultures on agar plates (like I do with bacteria), but first I need to make very specific media to grow them on. The agar media is mixed with a very specific balance of vital minerals and such, and because the ratios were different than our lab usually uses, my professor and I decided it was best that I just start from scratch.

I made several different reagents today, of which I'm going to use 1 milliliter of each later when I make the agar media. Yeah, that's way less than an ounce.

In any case, I should run along and catch up on some other work I was meaning to do before I got caught up in lab!

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