Saturday, April 21, 2012

NEAS 2012

I woke up this morning at 6:00, which is really early for me.

But of course I hit the snooze multiple times. But it is now 6:47, I am dressed, and I am looking gooood.

I'm here at the 51st annual NEAS conference. Well, it's the Northeast Algal Symposium, so I guess it's a symposium and not a conference if symposium is in the acronym.

I'm presenting on 11:15-11:30, or 9th in line. That gives someone ample time to screw up before I do. (I'm kidding. I think.)

Today's weather will not compare to anything we had yesterday; it is overcast and it wants to be drizzly. Hopefully it will stay relatively dry until we start our main activities for the day in the main building.

We're staying in the "old" dormitories of what used to be housing for the Navy cadets here on site.

I'm going to go over my presentation a little bit before going to the commons to get breakfast. So... I'll.. be back later. For science!

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