In my Animal Behavior class, I did a project on threespine stickleback. This is a picture of a male threespine stickleback prodding a gravid female. I then added the shoop da whoop icon to the female, because it seems like she'd be slightly angry getting attacked by the male.
This hungry and likely pregnant squirrel was stuffing her/their face on a ledge outside of the Academic Commons.
At the end of April, a tree popular to campus hawks, started to lose its limbs (it was very apparent it was rotting near the base). As a result, the rest of it had to be cut down and taken away. :( This tree used to be between Bullock and Hughes Hall, and Carlson (the graduate building).
I like to colorize my lab work.
Worcester kids just wanna have fun. Yeah, it was cold this winter, and yeah, we got TONS of snow, but some local Woo kids made the best out of this snow pile in Red Square.
Mr. Hawk, #1.
Mr. Hawk, #2.Deb (my professor) helps my friend and labmate Jess (who was in my off campus housing video) filter sea water for our phytoplankton cultures.
Fun in Topics in Marine Biology on the white board to demonstrate an experimental protocol in a paper we read.
Starting Animal Behavior trials. One of 20 total feeding trials.
Fun on the white board in Animal Behavior... (previously displayed on my blog, but it demonstrates my research experiment for the class in a nut shell)
One of the benefits of studying on the west side of the fourth floor of the library is seeing the beautiful sunsets through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Awesome.
Hipster/artsy nighttime shot (between Maywood Hall and Dana Commons).
My poster for Topics in Marine Biology hanging in the atrium of the Lasry Bioscience building! The fruit of many more hours than expected on the project...
Leaf petals in the Hughes/Dana/Maywood Hall quad, looking like snow in early May!
Playing wiffleball with past and present Clark friends! (I totally hit homeruns on three consecutive pitches because I'm a total boss.)
More fun on the white board in Topics in Marine Biology! ^,^
A shot of the Academic Commons I particularly liked.
Many, many, many hours spent on my Animal Behavior project yielded this poster, which was a tremendous help in writing my term paper.