I've already talked about how I've made an
inducible expression plasmid to test the mRNA stability of nitrate reductase (NR) transcripts
in vivo in the diatom
Thalassiosira pseudonana. The plasmids run by using a promoter and terminator sequence to run the expression of a reporter gene (we're using
GFP). We have a set of NR plasmids, one with a terminal region of NR and one with a terminal region of action (which has nothing to do with nitrogen assimilation). The former plasmid should mimic
endogenous activity, whereas the latter plasmid should not mimic the normal conditions in the cell. NR reduces nitrate (NO
3-) to nitrite (NO2-), which is then reduced to ammonium (NH
4+) by nitrite reductase (NiR). As such, in the scheme of nitrogen assimilation in diatoms, it makes sense to test the regulation of NiR as well.
To do this, I've started work on a set of NiR plasmids. They will also run the inducible expression of GFP, but with their own promoter and terminator regions. Both will have their NiR promoter region, whereas one will have the NiR terminator and one will have the actin terminator region. Both sets of plasmids will be transformed through
particle bombardment and then
in vivo expression can be measured (through GFP activity).

As it stands, we have a plasmid that contains the NiR promoter & GFP but not the proper terminator. The NiR terminator was cloned into a separate plasmid as part of the process in amplifying out the terminator region of interest. Currently, I'm trying to amplify the terminator out of the plasmid, and in doing so add restriction sites to the plasmid.
The cartoon below represents the series of steps that we have to do in order to manufacture the desired fragment of DNA with restriction sites at the beginning and end of it, which allow us to easily cut out the DNA fragment and place it into a plasmid. Right now, the NiR terminator is represented by the red box. It was amplified out of the entire NiR gene to yield a small piece (between 500bp and 1kb) of the the gene. This piece was at the very end of the open reading frame and extended past the 3' UTR (the terminal region). This was done in a PCR reaction, and the PCR product was inserted into a vector, transformed into bacteria, grown, and then the plasmids were isolated once again the yield the below plasmid.

What I want to do is amplify a smaller portion of the insert out of the plasmid, and make a bunch of copies of it through a PCR reaction. A second set of primers (the green lines) will amplify within the region of the insert, while adding restriction sites. Currently, I've having problems getting this PCR to work because less than half of the primer fits to the DNA of the current insert, while the other half is going to add the restriction site. However, I changed the protocol for the PCR reaction I'm running at the moment. I changed the
annealing temperature for the first 10 rounds of my PCR and then I'll bring it back up to what I ran it yesterday (a PCR reaction that did not work, lanes 3-5; right--below right my PCR samples loaded; the faint blue samples are the ladders I used, lanes 1, 2 & 8; the red samples are my PCR reactions that used Coral Load, a special PCR buffer/loading dye combination, lanes 3-7).
...NiR terminator amplification to be continued...
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